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Lt. Buu
Lord Tekk
It was a wage between two warriors, but the final event was still in mystery.
1. Bring your opponetns into view by positioning yourself in a safe distance.
2. When the enemy is targeted within the confines of the screen, the opponent is in range.
3. If the opponent has been locked-on, this is obviously a good time to initiate an attack.
4. Remember to observe your opponent's movement and keep them in your sights.
5. Many situations have a set area of operations.
6. Dashing at the enemy only puts you into a possible target.
7. When dashing, always remember that within that moment you cannot gaurd yourself.
8. If you are out of energy and in the middle of an attack, strafe left and right to avoid getting hit.
9. Even while strafing, you won't be as agile as usual, but if you can keep moving you can minimize damage.
10. Experiment by incorporating movements in order to avoid being attacked.
11. Until you've had some time to perfect your skills, keep practicing in a safe zone.
Brought to life on 2001.08.07 All members of ATF will not hold any responsiblity to what will happen to you. This is an all fan site and no profit is being made from it. >FINAL<
Lt. Buu - Lord Tekk - Anikuix